Monday 15 October 2012


So ,Owl Necklaces are the latest trend that have been going viral in the past few weeks .No wonder ! It is truly fashionable : cute , chick , hip and at the same time elegant . If you get the right color and wear it with just the right dress , it is sure to attract compliments your way . You can wear it to formal events or to a casual lunch or night-out . 
This Owl Necklace may signify different things and people have different notions about what they are . Some say it signifies wisdom , mysticism , intelligence , transition and even wards off spirits but if you're a true Fashionista , you should just have it in your accessory box . I am sure it'll attract many souls your way , whether or not it wards spirits away !
Talking about the age group , they are good for almost every lady or teenage girl who wishes to keep up with the trend and can carry it off well . You can pair it with  pastel-shade tops or the brighter ones may even compliment dark-colored tees . You can wear it with evening knee-length dresses but with long gowns ? I think, that's a big no-no ! It can also be paired with Khadi kurtas or Sarees with earthly - shades .
You can get them on ebay , myntra or most online  stores for prices starting roughly at Rs.350 . 
They are a must for women with that knack for fashion !! So go ahead , awaken your inner Fashionista and get 'Owlish' !!


Sanjana Pandey ,for introducing me to these Necklaces
Google , for the Images  


  1. Ooluu hehe! I love the suggestion of pairing it with khadi kurtas of earthy tones. Loved this post. :)

  2. xD yeah !! thank you ! I thought something for the Pretty Indian Girls would be good ;)
