Monday 22 October 2012

Hey ! So, I am not going to post anything special today . Just a poem that I had written for my Media Studies exam . Enjoy !

Qway ! Qway ! You were born crying,
It was they who wiped your tears ;
It was they who helped you take your first step,
It was they who helped you overcome your fears .

They cut out on their diet ,
But, never let you go hungry;
Despite all the mistakes that you made,
They rarely ever got angry .

You asked for a toy ,
They bought you one with their hard-earned money ;
And gave you an environment so coy ,
That you became a person , jolly as a bunny .

But now , they are old ,
And their hands are wrinkled ;
So,your attitude towards them is suddenly cold ,
Because you think that you are young and bold .

You shout at them , not hearing their wails ,
It hurts them so bad ;
Like birds in a strong winter gale ,
And even though they don't say , it kills them inside .

They are the ones who made you what you are today ,
Without them , you would have been nothing ;
Remember, that a time will come , when you will be in their place ,
Fate will turn tables and you'll realize that what goes around , comes around .

History has the tendency to repeat itself ;
So, be courteous and kind towards your parents ,
Now , and when they are old ;
Or else , what happened to them , will happen to you ,
And , all you'll have left , is regret .  

-Pure Awesomeness 22 

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